Abi Freckleton
Abi Freckleton's practice delves deep into the temporal dimensions of materiality, where found objects undergo a metamorphosis in the kiln, emerging as sculptures that serve as both markers of specific moments and reflections on the intricate interplay of time, space, and matter.
In the studio, Abi orchestrates a dialogue between material and object, constantly oscillating between the two realms, her sculptures embodying a delicate balance at the threshold. Her fascination lies in the inherent temporality of materials, their ability to encapsulate moments and events, to bear witness to their formation and eventual transformation.
Fleeting everyday moments, in which complex and intertwined relationships between living and non-living entities unfold, serve as the raw material from which each sculpture emerges. Partially contained by smooth edges but revealing wild disorder in their chaotic interiors, the works bare the marks of human constraint and construction alongside the entropic forces of nature.
Working primarily with found objects, materials, and images, she allows their identities to blur and merge during the creative process, a fluid exchange where one seamlessly transitions into the other and back again. This approach reflects the perpetual cycle of creation and dissociation in the natural world, inviting viewers to contemplate the ephemeral nature of existence and the enduring entanglement of time, space, and matter.